Friday, September 21, 2007

Hello all

So here I am. I am moving from LJ b/c I plan on taking lots more pictures of fun kid stuff and knitting, and who knows what, so there.

It has been a very great while since I last attempted to keep up to date with the blog, so I will give a brief synopsis, and more details will come up in future posts I am sure.

S is almost 2!!! She used a complete sentence yesterday morning for the first time, and totally freaked me out with her perfect pronunciation, I felt like I was talking to a mini adult very briefly, we then reverted back to mangled garble that mostly only I can interpret, but is quite impressive none-the-less.

J has been following up on the cancer surveillance and has been free and clear since January, woot.

Melrose and Richard are gorgeous and overly affectionate as always, and still not really like very smelly "big cats" (perhaps more smelly to me b/c of the next sentence.)

And, I am preggers! We should have a new baby bean sometime around March 2008. I am thankfully over the nausea (much worse than with S) and also measuring much smaller. (woot again.)


Graham said...

It is good to hear the news, about J, about S, and the additional little one. Looking forward to future updates.

Ovonia Red said...

Congrats on the new baby! I think everyone is pregnant now (my lil' sis included--she's due in March/April--of course Mom is hoping that the kid will be born on her birthday).

Post some pics soon--I want to see everyone!
